4 thoughts on “Can snails hop?

  1. i saw your photo and your interesting question earlier today—and then, fun synchronicity, just now happened on the answer, on Austin Kleon’s Substack! This is part of a post containing all kinds of interesting bits of info, art, poetry about snails:

    “Snails will often reuse their own or another snail’s trail in order to save on slime production. By detecting pheromones in a trail, they can determine whether it leads to foe, friend, or potential mate. Some terrestrial snails even “gallop” by picking up the front of their foot and leaping forward, leaving behind a dotted slime trail. This may save on slime use or possibly outwit a predator.” (From “The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating” by Elisabeth Tova Bailey—Austin says it is “the kind of book I just adore. Short but expansive.”)



  2. Amazing! Both the fact and the coincidence. Thanks for letting me know. (Sorry you had to comment twice WordPress is getting over zealous about marking comments as spam.)


    1. I love when the threads that stitch us & everything all together come into view, and while I imagine they’re waving at us all the time, I only notice once in a while. (WordPress does confuse me every time I use it, but I’m kind of getting used to it :))

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I definitely think they overcomplicate things. Trying to be too many things for too many people.

        I’m looking for a much more basic blogging platform at the moment.


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