Blogging hiatus

There is a saying that the time when you have least opportunity to meditate, is when you most need to meditate. I reckon the same could be said of blogging. I’m currently facing some significant challenges. I know blogging about them would help.

But I will do anything but.

Sometimes it’s because they feel too personal, sometimes it’s because I feel as if putting them into words trivialises them, sometimes it’s because I just don’t have spare capacity.

12 thoughts on “Blogging hiatus

  1. Sorry to hear you’re having a challenging time. The comparison you make with meditation is so true. Interestingly you use the word ‘capacity’ in particular. In my experience, for what it’s worth, capacity has an uncanny way of expanding the more I embrace challenges. Conversely capacity diminishes the more I resist them. So many paradoxes…

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  2. Sorry that you’re going through these challenges. Don’t feel compelled or guilt if you don’t blog. It happens. You’ll come back to it when you’re ready. Take care.


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