5 thoughts on “Night and day

  1. differences are clear and stark .. and very illustrative of the central points made recently in a discussion elsewhere regarding mainstream consulting business models and custimized and mostly process-based gudiance by social computing-oriented consultants.Not suprised McKinsey is cited in the second link reference … and I found it interesting that the quoted consultant suggested that social-computing networks don’t scale across organizations .. my take is that something really worth knowing will spread wherever (more or less) it needs to go at high speed.


  2. Jon – have you got the referfence to “discussion elsewhere regarding mainstream consulting business models and custimized and mostly process-based gudiance by social computing-oriented consultants” it would be useful.and thanks to Euan for the very kind comments


  3. Euan, don’t be so negative, here is something funny to do with such a text:1. use google sets to expand the words in the titleshttp://labs.google.com/sets?hl=en&q1=modernize&q2=knowledge&q3=management&q4=&q5=&btn=Large+Set2. read the article3. think about what is in the paper that is not yet covered by the lists generated by google sets.If there is not much extra, then there is a lot of redundancy (as used in information theory, not as a synonym for layoff). So the question is: why write – or read – the text at all? If the title composed of three words, – expanded to some more through google sets – would be enough to convey “mainstream” meaning?But if the article is significanly different from the collection of buzzwords – well, then obviously the writer has something new to say, and the reader something to learn.


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