Spread the word.

Some Portuguese students have set out to map every single internet user in a month through a viral campaign and you can help them by clicking here.

Personaly I am sceptical for two reasons 1) Lots of people are wary of giving out their personal data on the web and 2) How will the students know they have achieved their goal?

But hey … if we all help …

Distinct social networks

With the number of people piling into Facebook and Twitter these days it is getting tougher to manage who is a friend, who isn’t and how you define either. I still get jumpy about people who I don’t know being able to call me a friend but am happy to call people who I only know online as friends – sometimes very good ones. At the moment I manage Linkedin and Facebook pretty strictly such that Linkedin is primarily business contacts and Facebook is people I actuall know – either business or otherwise. In Twitter I am more chilled about the definitions.