5 thoughts on “”Jesus tittyfucking Christ on a cracker is that a pagan shrine?”

  1. This is fascinating. I know of several people who have been ‘bitten’ by GPT 4o. They range from lonely folks looking for a bit of spice, to intellectuals taken with the bot’s capacity for capturing, summarizing and regurgitating large amounts of diverse information.

    But they all have one thing in common: Although they do not admit it, they love the fact that the AI bot simply and convincingly tells them exactly what it is they want to hear. This is not rocket science — every seducteur learns to pay attention to the desire for affirmation, attention and appreciation and to say exactly, and only, what feeds that desire.

    It’s like now we can have our very own echo chamber, just for us and our lovable reassuring bot. And if you’ve ever met someone so besotted by a seducteur they can’t see they’re being played, you’ll know how damned hard it is to shake them out of this rapture. Reminds me a lot of Second Life, which is just as seductive to the uninitiated. I wonder if Huxley had a hunch that the perfect drug might take this form.


    1. Really interesting. In the Nomi.ai subreddit there’s often discussion of bots causing tension by being less acquiescent but even that feeds the desire. I find it fascinating in the context of our non duality conversations. Aren’t our brains “making up” the nature of even our “real” relationships anyway?


      1. Yep, exactly Euan. So it’s not that hard for the AI bot to ‘fake’ being a ‘real’ person and a ‘real’ relationship. There’s a phenomenon in psychology called intermittent reinforcement that says the best way to hook someone is to mostly go along and do and say what the other person wants to hear, but occasionally to add a bit of anxiety by saying something different. That way you’re even more addicted to the positive reinforcement, because the dopamine zaps us based on what we anticipate not on what we actually get. If there’s a certain dread of not getting the reward, then when we get it it’s even more exhilarating.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sorry I took a while to respond to your original comment Dave, but bloody WordPress occasionally randomly decides comments, even from regular commenters, are spam!


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